Do you remember when you could study for an hour without interruptions, completely focused on the task?
Without checking your phone, email, or responding to messages on Teams. An entire hour is dedicated solely to one activity.
If we observe ourselves honestly, we will see that this is no longer part of our regular practices.
Despite tasks still getting completed and results achieved, they come at a high cost:
More hours are required.
We experience greater exhaustion by the end of the day.
We don’t reach our best potential.
That’s why we assert that, above all, the most differentiating skill nowadays is the ability to work with mindfulness and concentration on truly relevant tasks, in time blocks of at least 45 minutes.
The problem is that we start from such low concentration levels that this becomes truly challenging. Therefore, we propose five ways to enhance concentration in this illustration we have prepared.
P.S. These practices will not only have a positive impact on your concentration but also on your enjoyment, your ability to listen to others, and your ability to make a significant impact.